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Void Weapons - Player Guide

Hidden away in demonic keeps and castles, The Void Weapons wait to be unleashed upon the world. But to claim them, you must overcome the monsters and horrors that guard these all-powerful artifacts!

We’ve put together some quick tips to help you recover them and conquer all!

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Run Fly Swim Parkour - Player Guide

For all you Parkour nutcases out there, Run Fly Swim Parkour is the ace-ist of races, the warrior of parkour parks.

If you want to maximise your time, boost your speed and be the best of the best, you need to swot up on what's what. So read up speed freaks and fast-track your way to parkour excellence!

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Moss Block Challenge- Player Guide

Taking on The Moss Block Challenge and looking to prepare for your next journey into “The Egg”? You’ve come to the right place!

We’ve got all the information you need to survive in the treacherous realm of The Egg and overcome any monster, trap or obstacle that comes your way!

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